Wednesday, 31 July 2013

[Benjamin:] second

  Dad hired a car, which was silver. In that car we went to a ride. On the way we saw a pyramid. We went on a boat ride where we saw five alligators, and purple gallinules. Then we watched gator boys, a wrestling show. Mum fainted of heat.
   For lunch I had macaroni cheese, broccoli, apple juice, and water. In the afternoon I went in the pool, and had some down time. For tea I had carrots, garlic bread, chili and rice, plus two cups of apple juice. Next we finished pirates of the Carribean, and had some Harry Potter.
   The next day we went to flamingo park. We saw five laughing parrots, a ibis, aerial roots, and a skink. Harris hawks, red shouldered hawk, ferry ferruginous hawk. Four peacocks, got four feet away from a squirrel, and turkey vultures. Orb spiders caught something. Barn owl, great horned owl, barred owl, screech owl and burrowing owl. Florida pine snake, red rat snake. Brown Basilisk, marine toad. Stalks, pelicans, coot, spoon bill, gulls and ducks. Cormorant, great white egret. Yellow bellied slider, raccoon, blue gill. Falcon, short tailed hawk, merlin.
     For breakfast the next day I had fruit loops and cold milk. I also went to surf camp, where I played dodge ball, and surfed. In the afternoon I finished Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. The next Day I had fruit loops for breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a lot of animals you've seen. I had not heard of the purple gallinule until I looked them up just now - what distinctive bills they have! Hope you continue to have a wonderful time. Enjoy the surf xx
